Saint W. Edwards Deming
Image of W. Edwards Deming as one of the dancing saints in the St. Gregory of Nyssa Episcopal Church in San Francisco. He is one of 96 dancing saints, including Anne Frank, William Shakespeare, Queen Elizabeth, Martin Luther, Malcom X, Gandhi, Eleanor, Roosevelt, Charles Darwin, and many more, although I have the feeling not all of them were protestant, or even christian. The website of the church is here. File 273961774 by Peter Kazanjy and licensed under the Creative Commons CC BY 2.0 License.
- File Name: Saint-Deming.jpg
- File type: jpg
- File size: 24.95 KB
- Dimensions: 261 x 333
- Date: December 3, 2018
- SEO Title: Saint W. Edwards Deming
- SEO Description: Image of W. Edwards Deming as one of the dancing saints in the St. Gregory of Nyssa Episcopal Church in San Francisco. He is one of 96 dancing saints, including Anne Frank, William Shakespeare, Queen Elizabeth, Martin Luther, Malcom X, Gandhi, Eleanor, Roosevelt, Charles Darwin, and many more, although I have the feeling not all of them were protestant, or even christian. The website of the church is here.
- SEO Keywords: W. Edwards Deming, St. Gregory of Nyssa, Episcopal Church
- Post or page attached: 25 Years after W. Edwards Deming,