Stressed Worker
Failure nervous breakdown and stress at work. Stressful angry young European manager with beard grimacing and gesticulating feeling stressed during working day at office desperate about problems. Creative provocation. Stock Photo ID: 206712937 by Copyright: Wayhome Studio with permission from BigStockPhoto
- File Name: bigstock-anger.jpg
- File type: jpg
- File size: 34.93 KB
- Dimensions: 900 x 600
- Date: May 11, 2018
- SEO Title: Stressed Worker
- SEO Description: Failure nervous breakdown and stress at work. Stressful angry young European manager with beard grimacing and gesticulating feeling stressed during working day at office desperate about problems. Creative provocation.
- SEO Keywords: creative provocation, anger, work
- Post or page attached: Design for Manufacturing Questions, Creative Provocation, Reverse Brainstorming, and Analogy,