US boy scouts 1910
Troop 10, Columbus Council of the Boy Scouts of America, was composed of boys living in Grandview Heights, Marble Cliff and Upper Arlington, Ohio. The members of the TriVillage Troop were Gordon Anderson, Irving Bradbury, Morris Christenson, Frank Fenton, Robert Field, Robert Griffith, Cyril Hammond, William Hague, Court Hall, Alfred Leaman, Herman Lindenberg, Dave Moorhead, Sidney Moorhead, Herbert Morris, David Morgan, Martin Matthews, Norman Reed, Edward Sawyer, Wynne Silbernagle, Frank Seamans, Richard Spencer, Herrick Thompson, Ned Thompson, Arthur Thompson, Arthur Williams and Asa Yost. Warren A. Armstrong was their Scout Master. The troop was first organized in January 1917. It grew in number from eight to twenty-eight boys that year. They met at what is now the First Community Church and had an affiliate troop of Junior Scouts, aged nine to twelve, called the “Sammies.” The members of the troop participated in such activities as Red Cross and YMCA drives, Santa Claus Club, and the Ohio State Fair. They distinguished themselves in the sales of Liberty Bonds and Thrift Stamps. Image in public domain, copyright expired. Source: File:Boy Scouts, Troop 10, Columbus, Ohio, 1918.jpg on Wikimedia Commons, UA Archives.
- File Name: BoyScouts-1918.jpg
- File type: jpg
- File size: 840.80 KB
- Dimensions: 1486 x 831
- Date: November 2, 2014
- SEO Title: US boy scouts 1910
- SEO Description: Troop 10, Columbus Council of the Boy Scouts of America, was composed of boys living in Grandview Heights, Marble Cliff and Upper Arlington, Ohio. The members of the TriVillage Troop were Gordon Anderson, Irving Bradbury, Morris Christenson, Frank Fenton, Robert Field, Robert Griffith, Cyril Hammond, William Hague, Court Hall, Alfred Leaman, Herman Lindenberg, Dave Moorhead, Sidney Moorhead, Herbert Morris, David Morgan, Martin Matthews, Norman Reed, Edward Sawyer, Wynne Silbernagle, Frank Seamans, Richard Spencer, Herrick Thompson, Ned Thompson, Arthur Thompson, Arthur Williams and Asa Yost. Warren A. Armstrong was their Scout Master. The troop was first organized in January 1917. It grew in number from eight to twenty-eight boys that year. They met at what is now the First Community Church and had an affiliate troop of Junior Scouts, aged nine to twelve, called the “Sammies.” The members of the troop participated in such activities as Red Cross and YMCA drives, Santa Claus Club, and the Ohio State Fair. They distinguished themselves in the sales of Liberty Bonds and Thrift Stamps.
- SEO Keywords: boy scouts
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