Hoshin Kanri Magic

Hoshin Kanri Magic

Hoshin Kanri Magic

Illustration of overselling hosin kanri, using “Akbar the Magician and assistant. 1950-01-18” from the Original Photographs Collection 32022201854805 . Original to the best of my knowledge in public domain, modification hence also in the public domain.

  • File Name: Hoshin-Kanri-Magic.jpg
  • File type: jpg
  • File size: 80.51 KB
  • Dimensions: 863 x 690
  • Date: December 14, 2018
  • SEO Title: Hoshin Kanri Magic
  • SEO Description: Illustration of overselling hosin kanri, using "Akbar the Magician and assistant. 1950-01-18" from the Original Photographs Collection 32022201854805 and to the best of my knowledge in public domain.
  • SEO Keywords: Hoshin Kanri, Magic, 方針管理
  • Post or page attached: Hoshin Kanri – Part 1: The To-Do List,
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