Old senior man with grey hair and long beard wearing hipster look with wool cap skeptic and nervous, disapproving expression on face with crossed arms. negative person.
Old senior man with grey hair and long beard wearing hipster look with wool cap skeptic and nervous, disapproving expression on face with crossed arms. negative person. Stock Photo ID: 384220409 Copyright: Krakenimages.com with permission from Bigstock.
- File Name: Old-Man-with-Beard.jpg
- File type: jpg
- File size: 402.64 KB
- Dimensions: 900 x 600
- Date: September 8, 2020
- SEO Title: Old Man with Beard
- SEO Description: Old senior man with grey hair and long beard wearing hipster look with wool cap skeptic and nervous, disapproving expression on face with crossed arms. negative person
- SEO Keywords: Old Man, Beard, grey hair
- Post or page attached: How to Roll Out a Lean Transformation,