Swastika Line Layout
Politically incorrect line layout. The backstory: I had to design the line layout of a distribution center, where packages are added to a circular line at one spot, and they go round the circle until they are picked off for a particular destination.
I spent quite some time on that design, and got a good solution. Ease of access, lots of space for the operators, efficient use of floor space, quite nice actually. I was just about to present this line layout proposal to management when I took a last look at it and … it turned out to be a swastika shape! With me being German! Working in a country that was heavily bombed and then occupied by the Nazis in World War II. That’s when I decided that maybe I should NOT leave a 30 meter swastika behind on the shop floor as the result of my work.
This work by Christoph Roser at AllAboutLean.com is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Please credit the image as shown below. For digital documents and web pages please do include the links as shown below. Thank you.
By Christoph Roser at AllAboutLean.com under the free CC-BY-SA 4.0 license.
- File Name: SwastikaLine.png
- File type: png
- File size: 6.71 KB
- Dimensions: 659 x 658
- Date: November 1, 2016
- SEO Title: Swastika Line Layout
- SEO Description: Politically incorrect line layout. The backstory: I had to design the line layout of a distribution center, where packages are added to a circular line at one spot, and they go round the circle until they are picked off for a particular destination. I spent quite some time on that design, and got a good solution. Ease of access, lots of space for the operators, efficient use of floor space, quite nice actually. I was just about to present this line layout proposal to management when I took a last look at it and ... it turned out to be a swastika shape! With me being German! Working in a country that was heavily bombed and then occupied by the Nazis in World War II. That's when I decided that maybe I should NOT leave a 30 meter swastika behind on the shop floor as the result of my work.
- SEO Keywords: Swastika, Line Layout, politically incorrect, industrial design
- Post or page attached: Line Layout Strategies – Part 2: I-, U-, S-, and L-Lines,