Blackout Curtain

Blackout Curtain

Blackout Curtain

Doreen Buckner draws the curtains in her family’s London home to comply with the nightly ‘Blackout’ during the Second World War.
Seven-year-old Doreen Buckner draws the curtains in her family’s London home. Clearly visible behind the patterned curtains are the blackout curtains. As she can remember little of life before the war, according to the original caption, Doreen regards the drawing of the blackout “as a normal procedure in a normal world”. Date: between 1939 and 1945. File:Doreen Buckner draws the curtains in her family’s London home to comply with the nightly ‘Blackout’ during the Second World War. D17275.jpg by Ministry of Information Photo Division Photographer and in public domain.

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