Pile of Material
Pile of material. The unfinished belt, clothes pile, shoes behind, pillows way back in the corner. Example of a very messy inventory. Image 1948299852 by
Eric Lewis and licensed under the creative commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0) license.
- File Name: Pile-of-Material.jpg
- File type: jpg
- File size: 107.05 KB
- Dimensions: 500 x 400
- Date: November 18, 2018
- SEO Title: Pile of Material
- SEO Description: Pile of material. The unfinished belt, clothes pile, shoes behind, pillows way back in the corner.
- SEO Keywords: Pile of Material, inventory, mess, chaos, unstructured
- Post or page attached: About Just in Time and Fluctuations (Like… a Pandemic…), Introduction to Point-of-Use Providers (or Mizusumashi),