Speed Limit Signs
Collage of different speed Limit Signs from different countries, mostly 50 km/h or 55 mp/h signs. Based on the Category:Diagrams of 50 km/h speed limit road signs and Category:Diagrams of road signs of the United States on Wikimedia Commons, in public domain, and hence this collage also in public domain.
- File Name: Speed-Limits.png
- File type: png
- File size: 111.96 KB
- Dimensions: 1449 x 812
- Date: June 23, 2015
- SEO Title: Speed Limit Signs
- SEO Description: Collage of different speed Limit Signs from different countries, mostly 50 km/h or 55 mp/h signs.
- SEO Keywords: Speed Limit Signs
- Post or page attached: Overview of Value Stream Mapping Symbols,