Native Copper

Native Copper

Native Copper

Native Copper.

Native Copper: Locality: Ray Mine, Scott Mountain area, Mineral Creek District (Ray District), Dripping Spring Mts, Pinal County, Arizona, USA (Locality at This is a copper from Ray of a rather untradtitional form and of high quality, i think. It comes from the second collection of Steve Neely, who got it from Al over a decade ago. It came to me through Steve actually, rather than from Al with the rest of the specimens shown here. It is exceptionally well-formed on both sides, and can be displayed from either side with equal effect. No matrix (its propped on putty in the photo). One of the more unique Ray Coppers!, compared to many other Ray coppers I have seen! 5.25 x 4 x 1 cm. Image File:Copper-21991.jpg by Rob Lavinsky and licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

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  • File Name: Native-Copper.jpg
  • File type: jpg
  • File size: 64.31 KB
  • Dimensions: 364 x 452
  • Date: September 26, 2014
  • SEO Title: Native Copper
  • SEO Description: Native Copper. Native Copper: Locality: Ray Mine, Scott Mountain area, Mineral Creek District (Ray District), Dripping Spring Mts, Pinal County, Arizona, USA (Locality at This is a copper from Ray of a rather untradtitional form and of high quality, i think. It comes from the second collection of Steve Neely, who got it from Al over a decade ago. It came to me through Steve actually, rather than from Al with the rest of the specimens shown here. It is exceptionally well-formed on both sides, and can be displayed from either side with equal effect. No matrix (its propped on putty in the photo). One of the more unique Ray Coppers!, compared to many other Ray coppers I have seen! 5.25 x 4 x 1 cm
  • SEO Keywords: Native Copper
  • Post or page attached: The History of Manufacturing – Part 1: Prehistory to Antiquity,
Many but not all of the images on this blog are under a Creative Commons License. If and only if the image above is under a Creative Commons license, you can find details for the different licenses at the Creative Commons. The most common licenses are Attribution CC-BY 2.0; 2.5; 3.0; and 4.0; and Attribution Share Alike CC-BY-SA 2.0; 2.5; 3.0; and 4.0;
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