The Lean Global Network and Planet Lean is a network of many institutes and partners across the globe.
- Argentina: Lean Institute Argentina
- Australia: Lean Enterprise Australia
- Botswana: Lean Academy Botswana
- Brazil: Lean Institute Brasil
- Bulgaria: Lean Institute Bulgaria
- Canada: Lean Institute Canada
- Canada: Lean Mining Institute
- Chile: Instituto Lean Chile
- China: Lean Enterprise China
- Colombia: Lean Institute Colombia
- Denmark: Confederation of Danish Industries
- Finland: Lean Association of Finland
- France: Institut Lean France
- Germany: Prof. Dr. Christoph Roser
- Hungary: Lean Enterprise Institute
- Iceland: Icelandic Lean Institute
- Israel: Israel Lean Enterprise
- Italy: Istituto Lean Management
- Lithuania: Lean Academy Lithuania
- Poland: Lean Enterprise Institute Polska
- Portugal: Lean Academy Portugal
- Singapore: LGN Southeast Asia
- Slovakia: Lean Institute Slovakia
- South Africa: Lean Institute Africa
- Spain: Instituto Lean Management
- The Netherlands: Lean Management Instituut
- Turkey: Lean Institute Turkey
- Ukraine: Lean Institute Ukraine (LIU)
- United Arab Emirates: Lean Gulf Institute
- United Kingdom: Lean Enterprise Academy
- USA: Lean Enterprise Institute