On the Quality of KPIs

In this second post on KPIs, I will look at the quality of key performance indicators (KPIs). These are essential tools for measuring an organization’s progress toward its strategic goals. The quality of these indicators is critical as it impacts management’s decision-making and subsequent actions. Let’s have a look!

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What are Good KPIs?

To control any kind of system, you need to know its status. For a simple system like heating, the indoor temperature may be the key input. For something as complex as manufacturing, however, there could be a myriad of different measurements that can help you to control the system. In this context, KPIs (key performance indicators) become crucial, offering a structured way to monitor various aspects of operation, from safety and quality to productivity and cost. Ensuring the right balance and focus among these KPIs can lead to more informed decision-making and enhanced operational efficiency. In this post I would like to dig deeper on what KPIs are good, and how you can go wrong with (too many?) KPIs.

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Lessons Learned from the Toyota KPI Dashboard for Your Own Dashboard

In my series of posts on the Toyota KPI dashboard I went into detail about the different sections and KPIs. These dashboards work well fro Toyota. However, this does not mean that they automatically work well for you too. Chances are, you are not making cars. Even if you are, your relevant KPI information may be different from Toyota’s. Let’s have a look…

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The Toyota KPI Dashboard—Human Resources

With the KPI groups safety, quality, productivity, and cost, this series on the Toyota KPI dashboard has covered the main topics. However, there is more. Not always but often you can also find a section on human resources (HR) development. Yet, these are usually not KPI, but more organizational topics that may be part of the daily shop floor meeting. Below are some examples of how this section could look, although this may vary quite a bit among different Toyota plants. Let’s have a look:

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The Toyota KPI Dashboard—Cost

In my series on the Toyota KPI dashboard, after safety, quality, and productivity, we finally arrive at cost. While for some companies it is the number one factor, for Toyota it is far behind safety, quality, and productivity. The argument is that if safety, quality, and productivity are in line, it is likely that cost is also good. Both a lack of quality and a lack of productivity will drive up the cost.

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The Toyota KPI Dashboard—Quality

In this third post of my series on the Toyota dashboard we will be looking in more detail at quality. The quality of Japanese car makers in general and Toyota in particular is quite a bit better than the rest of the world’s. After safety, quality is the second-most-important issue at Toyota, definitely before productivity and cost. They do put in quite some effort for tracking quality… and then put in even more effort to fix these issues! Let’s have a look:

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