Jester, or fool, as an illustration for genchi genutsu (Gemba, genjitsu), where someone who looks only at the provided data is a fool. Go to the shop floor and see the reality. Image by Bill Nye in “Bill Nye’s History of England”, ca. 1896, in public domain. Source File:Reading-jester-q75-760×753.jpg on Wikimedia.
- File Name: Jester.jpg
- File type: jpg
- File size: 136.24 KB
- Dimensions: 760 x 753
- Date: February 29, 2016
- SEO Title: Jester
- SEO Description: Jester, or fool, as an illustration for genchi genutsu (Gemba, genjitsu), where someone who looks only at the provided data is a fool. Go to the shop floor and see the reality.
- SEO Keywords: Jester, fool
- Post or page attached: Visit the Shop Floor or Your People Will Fool You! – Genchi Genbutsu,