Single Simulation Buffer Optimization

Single Simulation Buffer Optimization

Single Simulation Buffer Optimization

Roser, Christoph, Masaru Nakano, and Minoru Tanaka. “Single Simulation Buffer Optimization.” JSME International Journal Series C: Mechanical Systems, Machine Elements and Manufacturing 48, no. 4 (December 2005): 763–69.

The performance of manufacturing systems can be adjusted by allocation buffer into the manufacturing system. Buffer will improve the performance of manufacturing systems by improving the utilization of the constraints; yet buffer will also increase the makespan and the work in progress. Due to the complex nature of the systems, buffer allocation is usually difficult to optimize. This paper presents a prediction model of the effect of buffer based on the shifting bottleneck detection and a blocking and starving analysis. The prediction model is used to optimize the buffer allocation using only a single simulation

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  • File Name: Roser-et-al.-2005-Single-Simulation-Buffer-Optimization.pdf
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  • File size: 76.84 KB
  • Date: September 8, 2016
  • SEO Title: Single Simulation Buffer Optimization
  • SEO Description: Roser, Christoph, Masaru Nakano, and Minoru Tanaka. “Single Simulation Buffer Optimization.” JSME International Journal Series C: Mechanical Systems, Machine Elements and Manufacturing 48, no. 4 (December 2005): 763–69. The performance of manufacturing systems can be adjusted by allocation buffer into the manufacturing system. Buffer will improve the performance of manufacturing systems by improving the utilization of the constraints; yet buffer will also increase the makespan and the work in progress. Due to the complex nature of the systems, buffer allocation is usually difficult to optimize. This paper presents a prediction model of the effect of buffer based on the shifting bottleneck detection and a blocking and starving analysis. The prediction model is used to optimize the buffer allocation using only a single simulation
  • SEO Keywords: Buffer Allocation, Optimization, Manufacturing Systems, Theory of Constraints
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