Pin board with Brown Paper and Lanes
Pin board with Brown Paper and Lanes used to make a swim lane diagram. The lanes can be created by folding (although in this image i cheated and just drew them in digitally since i did not have a good image with folded paper). Image File:Pinwand leer.jpg originally by Markus Bärlocher and released into the public domain at the German Wikipedia. Thanks 🙂
- File Name: Pinboard-with-Lanes.jpg
- File type: jpg
- File size: 72.08 KB
- Dimensions: 565 x 831
- Date: July 18, 2015
- SEO Title: Pin board with Brown Paper and Lanes
- SEO Description: Pin board with Brown Paper and Lanes used to make a swim lane diagram.
- SEO Keywords: Pin board , Brown Paper , Lanes, swim lane diagram
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